Recipe: The Three Jerks Jerky "J.L.T."

Three Jerks Jerky is based in Venice, California and is the brainchild of best friends and fraternity brothers Jordan Barrocas and Daniel Fogelson.  These two guys were just not happy or satisfied with other jerkys on the market and could not find any premium jerky-free of all the bad stuff! So what do two fraternity brothers do that love food and have an itch for entrepreneurship?  Well, they started the first craft beef jerky company.  They take the most lean and succulent filet mignon (the finest steak from the most precious part of the cow)  and flavor it with pure ingredients, to create an incomparable beef jerky. Jordan and Daniel are fun loving guys, that love what they do and are proud of their product.  Check out their recipe they developed, it not a BLT but a JLT!!!  Enjoy...

Three Jerks Jerky J.L.T.


To Prepare:

Slice bread, tomatoes and tear lettuce. Mix mayo and truffle oil. Pile the Jerky, lettuce, tomato and truffle mayo on your bread. Eat!

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