Pin it to Win It : Grove 45 Olive Oil

Pin It to Win It! | #Grove45 #Giveaway

All olive oils are not created equally.  Napa Valley's Grove 45 Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the extraordinary result of a venture that started in 2009 when long time friends Nena Talcott and Bonnie Storm agreed to go into business together.  Between them they had 45 years of farming experience and had both produced gold medal award winning extra virgin olive oils under different labels.  

Yesterday we shared an extraordinary recipe from the makers of Grove 45.  The Savory Pantry will be giving away one bottle of Grove 45 Extra Virgin Olive Oil (a $42.95 Value) to one lucky Pinterest user!  Simply pin this image by Midnight CST this Sunday, March 16th and you'll be entered to win.  We will choose a winner at random and notify the winner via Pinterest on Monday, March 17th. Good luck and happy pinning!

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